

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

App Inventor 2 Paint Pot

Enjoy. this was mind numbing. fuck paint pot. fuck the opposition only do us.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

MIT App Inventor 2: Mole Mash

Making a mole mash app was relatively easy, just a bit time consuming. Fun to play still however.

Monday, June 8, 2015

RoboCraft Day 3 & 4

So Day 3 I watched a 30 minute tutorial video, and then I took what I learned (which wasn't a whole lot) and applied it to Robocraft. I learned about tiers, which blocks worst best for what, and just its physics in general & whatnot.

After about 45 minutes of  going back and forth between robocraft and that video (above) here are the following things I've deduced after playing:

Your vehicle should be balanced
More turrets=more successful overall playing
Protect your robot
Keep your distance from your enemies

Robocraft Day 5

Overall, I enjoyed Robocraft. The game isn't broken whatsoever, BUT, you definitely need to grind to up your level/tier so you can create better robots and therefore do better playing against other people. I've only created 2 robots/vehicles and played a total of about a 1-1.5 hours of actually battling and its not obvious right off the bat that the higher tiers have the upper advantage but they do. The steering is a bit fucky however I would presume the higher the tier the better the wheels and better the steering. The gameplay is pretty solid, I don't like how I have to drive for a few minutes to actually run into enemies (minor inconvenience though).

Alright so a gameplay guide. There are 2 main "games", which are Battle Mode (the full robocraft team battle experience) and Classic (short matches with no respawn. some hardcore shit.). I prefer Battle Mode and would recommend that you play this. It's just a better overall robocraft experience and is more fun. Here is a link to robocraft wiki that explains battle mode and classic. There's no point in me going through the lengths to explain this when somebody already has (and better than I could). Best advice I could give is protect your robot/pilot when playing against other people.

There aren't alot of tips & tricks for robocract; how ever there are still a handful of tips & tricks that will definitely give you the upper hand. What I believe to be the best overall tip is to make sure you place alot of turrets and place them strategically to what your vehicle looks like. Look for weak/blind spots. Another tip/trick is to try and keep your distant from your enemy. Now don't go TOO far but keep a decent space between you and your enemy. The reasoning for this is because I almost always find when I'm up close the steering is more difficult to control and move back and forth and whatnot. The steering already isn't the best so. And also if your up close with an enemy chances are higher that he'll have buddies behind him to back him up or just going that way by chance (due to respawning nearby). The final tip I have for you is to protect your robot-pilot, put heavier blocks or parts there to make sure the robot is safe (and yes I do realize I have said that above earlier).

The future of robocraft looks pretty bright. They are planning to add fusion shields, a  new game based off "protonium crystals" and they are adding 3 different types of robots. In the upcoming months you'll be able to chose from an offense robot, a medic robot and a defense robot. Each will have their own special abilities corresponding with their name. That's all I could really find. The robocraft fan community obviously has their own ideas and wishes, but, that doesn't necessarily relate to what will actually be added to robocraft. The creators of robocraft will, presumably, continuously be adding new and updated things to robocraft every few months (2-4) or so.

(yes I will fix the order of Day 5 and Days 3&4)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Robocraft Days 1 & 2

Alright so first off you need to be patient in robocraft. On the first day I dove head first into it, and just started fooling around with the first "template robot thing". I added some blocks, took a few away, added proper (turning) wheels and some guns pew pew. I then proceeded to test it. It worked almost fine however the steering was still awkward and I plan today (Day 3) to figure out a way to improve the steering. On the second day, I loaded another "template robot" and once again edited it a tad. This time after testing it I actually went and battled other people online. My robot wasn't superior to the others and vice versa. I played a total of approximately 30 minutes. 

The first 4 pictures are all the different sections of the menu

 My vehicle.

And theres the end of Day 1. 

Second vehicle.  

What I learned for this project will all be one big post I make on Day 5. I'll have what I learned in depth including all 5 days just so its easier for beginners to look at all the information together and whatnot.

Friday, May 29, 2015

MIT App Inventor 2: Custom 8Ball & What I Did Today

I changed up my 8ball app, looked through all the mole mash tutorials and started my mole mash app.